Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rich Wins Award

I'm proud to announce that Rich has received an award at an awards banquet held on Saturday, November 7, 2009, for a C.P.R. Save on a Shawnee Heights Fire Department call that he arrived to on-scene earlier this year. I thought I would put up the initial posting hoping that he will fill in the details later as he is modest and probably let the world know that I married a hero. Congratulations Babe - you are my hero too.

I try not to think about the dangers of your job or the stre
ss and skill it takes to save a life but just know that I do think about those things and how much it means to me that you do what you do for others.... and that is what I'm proud of.

Here's a photo of us at the banquet. I love my handsome guy in a uniform. And, yes, that is an actual Kansas sunset that evening (looking out the window - lake reflection) and not just a painting on the wall.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

Grant, Nate & Spidey (Harlan)!

Dog & Beth - Bounty Hunters (The Oettings)

The Moore's
You should have seen the tats

Momdusa & Harlan

Ally Fisher & Shelby

The Fishers

Sheriff Daddy & Shelby

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Time has flown

I know that's no news to anyone else. But I was just looking a couple nights ago and realized just how long it's been since we posted. Shame on us. Lot's of activity on this end. I will try to put it all in a short story for you. Versus a novel. Here we go.

We'll start with Harlan. He is now five years old. He in in kindergarten. He is loving school. Gets to ride the school bus like a big boy. He is a very good big brother. We are very lucky he is that way with Shelby. He started playing soccer this year. He seems to be liking it pretty well. Neither I nor Karen know much of anything about it outside the fact that there is a black and white ball, a couple goals and 6 little boys running around kicking said ball. It's just fun for me to watch him run up and down the field. Saturday he scored two goals! Every once in a while you have to remind him to stop trying to talk and worry about playing ball. It doesn't take him very long to make a new buddy despite how shy he may seem on the surface.

Moving on to Shelby. She is growing up very fast. Expanding her vocabulary a little more everyday. She has 'no' down. And pretty much knows how to use it. She came up with her first ear infection of the fall week before last. So her pediatrician lined us up with an ENT doc. Long story short she goes in tomorrow morning to get ear tubes put in. I know that it's a relatively common procedure these days. But still. I'm sure that she will come through it just fine. She is not going to like not getting her milk first thing in the morning like she's used to. My bet is she will be quite the bear.

We have a regular little egg factory out back. We are averaging around 10 eggs a day. I have already sold a couple dozen at work. Not trying to make a bunch of money. But we can't give them away. That would make us look like pushovers. But all the reviews I have gotten back have been good. The hogs are coming along fine. One goes to slaughter next week. The other two go the first Monday of November. I am definitely looking forward to tasting that pork.
Well, there you have it. Hopefully the next posting won't be so far down the road.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Shelby's Dandelion

I must add this cute photo of Shelby. She was all dressed up and nowhere to go this day. She was pointing at all the flowers and I didn't know what words she was trying to say but her sweet voice would go up and down as if she knew exactly what she was talking about.

She giggled when mommy picked up this dandelion and blew the seeds in the wind.

I just love this photo of her in pretty outfit and curly blonde hair. My beautiful princess.

Watermelon Heads

Here is Harlan and his cousin, Mikey. The first photo was taken last summer and the second photo was taken this year. I love the comparison and to see how much they have grown and both are a little more tan, I might add. They seem to be growing out of their baby faces a little. Mikey didn't really want to finish his watermelon but he hung in there for a few photos taken by Auntie Karen. Harlan and Mikey had a great time again this year. They played in the pool, treehouse and Mikey and Aunt Janet were here for the annual 4th of July Watson BBQ party. We really miss them around but I'm hoping this will be an annual visit...especially around 4th of July time. Hopefully, more family and friends will be able to join us next year.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shelby Kate's 1st Birthday

Shelby's 1st birthday was a beautiful Saturday evening with balloons, cake with bright pink icing, lots of kids & families and great fun. Shelby really enjoyed her very own cupcake and Muddle, our kitten, ate every last bit of pieces that fell to the floor. I didn't know kittens loved icing.  Thanks to all near and far that helped Shelby celebrate her first year of her life.  The little diva loves all of her pretty little dresses and her wardrobe is complete for the summer for sure!

She is walking now and her first 2 words were "thank you" and "uh-oh." She says da-da now too but no ma-ma yet. She doesn't have to say it, she sends telepathic messages to me... or is that crying message until I pick her up.  Yes, she is still rotten and wants to be held by mama. I have tried to not carry her around but I get a little monkey that hangs on my leg or I trip over her because she is always by my side... I mean always! I have to sneak in house just to go to the bathroom when I get home from work so I can be in there by myself.  Oh, the joys to be so loved.

I had to share these pictures. Big brother is always so good to his sissy and watches out for her often. He gets a sweeet high voice when he talks to her and usually says "watcha doin girl!" in that high voice.

We have another party coming up for those that will be in the area on the 4th of July. Come out and shoot fireworks, bring your family and enjoy some food and fun at the annual Watson 4th of July. Here is a sneak peak of the country bumpkins ready to celebrate!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

New life on the farm

Easter weekend saw an influx of new life on the 'farm'. At least we can use that word now that we have more than just a cat and dog.

Friday evening we brought home our chickens. I wanted Road Island Red's, but due to some logistical issues at the feed store, all they had was a straight run batch (mixture of male/female birds). We only wanted pullets for laying eggs. So we chose Buff Orpingtons. They are a heritage breed brought over from England way back when. We brought home 20 of them. The theory is that not all will survive to adulthood.

Next weekend we will go get our hogs. We are going to raise 3 feeder hogs this year. They are Duroc/Hampshire cross. One is for us, one is to trade for beef with my Fire Chief. He raises Angus cattle. I hadn't planned on three initially, but a couple guys at work asked if I would raise one for them to split. So......

And last but not least, Mommy got a new kitten. Sharon, the kids daycare provider's cat had kittens. I new that Karen wanted another one. I had let her know that I wanted one of the females early on. But she couldn't let Karen in on it. The whole time, Karen was working on me to convince me to get one. But I wasn't letting on to her about my plans. So last Thursday, we brought Muddle (name picked by Karen) home. So far Daisy, the older cat, hasn't quite warmed up to her. Give her time I think. Either she will or she won't but at least when Muddle gets a little older, she will be able to hold her own. This is the first time since Karen and I have been together that we've had a cat with a color other than all or almost all gray.

So, it's going to be a busy Spring getting up to speed on all the animals, especially the chickens and hogs. I have to admit on the chickens I didn't do all the homework I could or should have. I had my mind set on the red's. When we had to choose another breed, it was a last minute pick. So once we had them home I did a little Googling on the ones we chose. The biggest thing that we took note of was the potential egg production from these birds. On the average each chicken will lay 2-3 eggs per week. If only 15 chickens live to start egg production, we could be looking at around 35 eggs per week. The information I had on the Reds indicated that if we wanted a dozen eggs/week, we would want 15 birds. So there you have it. After looking at the potential number of eggs from these birds, we figured that we wouldn't have much problem selling fresh eggs to people at work.

We will keep you up to date on the animals and life here on the farm.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Girls Weekend Cut Short

I was looking forward to this past weekend for a long time. Shelby and I were scheduled to fly up to Seattle to see my sister Janet and Mom last Thursday and would you believe that there was basically a blizzard in Denver (my connection) that caused the cancellation to SOME flights to Denver.  I say SOME flights because mom was able to fly from Albuquerque to Denver then back out of Denver to Seattle the very same day. In fact, I was supposed to sit right next to her on the Denver to Seattle flight. You may be already confused, but basically, Shelby and I didn't get to Seattle until mid-afternoon on Friday. We lost an entire day of our short weekend fun. BUT we made our short time worthwhile and all of us had a fun and memorable time this past weekend. We didn't even have time to tour Seattle but we spent all of Saturday at Whidbey Island. The Navy has provided my sister a beautiful brand new home. Wow - they have come a long way since the old concrete block homes that they used to build. I don't think they even put carpet in the older base housing. She is one lucky gal to get such a great house.  Shelby warmed up to mom and her auntie quickly. She still preferred to be in mommy's arms whenever she got away with it though.  Grandma loved seeing how big Shelby has grown up since she last saw her when she was born. Grandma provided lots of entertainment for her granddaughter while sis and I decorated the house and just laughed and hung out. Mom and I tortured my sister and drug her to an antique shop and a thrift shop. She hated every minute of it and begged mom and I to leave. How can  you hate shopping? I don't get it.

Anyway, Janet now has a refreshing new
 look courtesy of her big sis. Do we look alike or what? Sorry sis - this is what you'll look like when you are 32. See what you have to look forward too. Actually, if we both age as good as mom and grandma have, we will be doing great.

Daddy and Harlan seemed to have a great time while we were gone. They were sure to kick the wild girls out of the house and clean up their party mess before we came home Sunday. It was SO NICE to come home to a clean house by the way. Thanks honey - I love you. 

Daddy can write more about his weekend with Harlan later. I will post more recent pictures of the kids soon. Post your comments and let us know if you are staying update with the us.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Quick update

Wish I had something really new and exciting to post. Unfortunately, I don't.

The last couple of weeks has seen everyone in our house sick. Two weeks ago it was the kids and Mommy who had a belly bug that kept them down for a couple days. Of course, I had to rub it in that I didn't get it. Now I am getting what was coming to me. I don't think it's the same thing they had, but it did send me home early from work today. Mostly so I didn't get everyone at work sick too. I am pretty certain that the weather around here contributed to whatever I have come down with. The outside temp's are up and down. Typical late winter/early spring stuff.

I do have a couple pictures that I wanted to put in here to keep everyone up to speed on the kids and how fast they are growing.

That's pretty much it for now. More later.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Name that Tune

Once again I am amused and somewhat baffled by the way that our son (and I am sure many other 4-5 year olds) view their big world. We were on our way home from town the other evening. Shelby was getting a little frustrated from being in her seat for most of the evening. So in an effort to try and mask (read as drown out) the volume of the crying I had turned up the radio. There was a George Strait song on at that moment. Mommy asked Harlan if he knew who was singing. Of course he didn't, so she told him. That song ended and just as we were about to turn up the drive, Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire came on. So I asked Harlan if he knew who was singing now. He of course replied with "I don't know". I said "Johnny Cash". Harlan repeated that, then asked "Who's that?" So I tried to quickly explain. And I finished up with the fact that Johnny Cash had died. So Harlan said "He died?" I said "yes, he did." So of course, what's the next question he asks? Very simply...."So if he died, how is he singing that song?"

I never cease to be amazed.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Gettin' Jiggy

Harlan came down the stairs looking like this the other day. He had a cowboy hat from a costume on and his "handsome" clothes on that he is obsessed with wearing these days. He insists that he is having a dance party and wants to wear his suits and ties every day (thanks Auntie Janet). This particular day, he looked like we stepped into the 19th century. I told him to dance a jig... and HE DID. Gotta love kid's obsessions. (Sorry that the video is sideways.)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Funny Phrase Time from a Four-Year-Old

It was a typical chaotic morning exit from the house one day this week. Shelby was crying and didn't want to be let down so that I could finish getting ready, give medicine to the kids and gather stuff to head out the door. Harlan woke up on the wrong side of the world (as daddy puts it). He didn't want to brush his teeth or get dressed and definitely didn't want to go to daycare that day for some unknown reason. I looked at Harlan's pitiful and pouty face and asked him what was wrong. I knew that he was having a bad morning and he just didn't want to do anything or go anywhere. He looked at me and said "I have a sutsky attitude." Not sure where he has heard this phase but after I could hold back my giggle, he looked up and smiled back.

I would love to hear your kiddo's tongue twisters and funny phrases. Let me know your favorites.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

An Old Fashioned Christmas

It was just the four of us this year. We spent Christmas in our cozy home. Daddy was up sometime way before dawn and mommy thought she heard one of the kids get up so she sprang out of bed and rushed downstairs as she hoped not to miss the wonderful surprised looks on her babies' faces. She got downstairs only to find daddy not-so-patiently waiting for the kids to get up. He was pacing as he waited for his boy to finally come downstairs at a unusually late time of 8:00 am. Shelby was up soon after. Harlan didn't ask for any particular item this year but he was happy to see his pile of treasures left by the man in the big red suit and family and friends. Grandparents, Auntie Janet and cousin Mikey gave the kids lots of clothes, treasures from Europe, a LeapPad and too much more to mention. Harlan was excited to find that Santa left him a kid version of a digital camera (he always wants to use mommy's), lots of dress-up costumes for a knight, a police officer, a wizard, a king, a cowboy complete with chaps, and Indiana Jones which looks more like a leather biker jacket He also found toy guns and swords under the tree, Operation (game), Twister (which he spun the wheel as mom & dad played). You really need to be in shape to play that game. Yoga has not prepared me for it.

We and thankful for all of the goodies from everyone (thank you Great Grandma Hendryx for sending the sweets especially Karen's favorite 7-layer cookie bars) and we were excited to see so many Christmas cards this year and lots with update letters and family photos. It is so good to hear from everyone even if it is one time a year. Please keep them coming. Karen almost can't wait to get te mail each day this time of year.

It snowed a few days after Christmas and Harlan rushed out to catch the huge snowflakes on his tongue. Here he is plopping down to make a snow angel. Press the play button to watch the video now. Don't miss the ending!

Catching snowflakes on his tongue...

Here is our little Snow Puff.

Here, Mommy and Shelby are getting ready to go to a Christmas party. Shelby was a little Christmas angel in her red suit with tights and built-in shoes.

We took Harlan sledding this week just after a light snow and his favorite "sled" was a piece of wall paneling that someone left at the top of the hill. Forget the expensive sleds, Harlan is just fine going down the hill on roadside junk! He gets that from his daddy. I guess it is good that we have two penny pinchers in the house because Mommy and Shelby counter their efforts.

Harlan's Redneck Sled

We hope that you had a Merry Christmas and that you spent it with family and friends. My motto this year is a cliche but so meaningful and that is... to enjoy the simple things in life. We are healthy, we have two beautiful and healthy kiddos, we live out in the country surrounded by trees, crops and cattle and we still have our jobs. What more should we ever want?