Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Time has flown

I know that's no news to anyone else. But I was just looking a couple nights ago and realized just how long it's been since we posted. Shame on us. Lot's of activity on this end. I will try to put it all in a short story for you. Versus a novel. Here we go.

We'll start with Harlan. He is now five years old. He in in kindergarten. He is loving school. Gets to ride the school bus like a big boy. He is a very good big brother. We are very lucky he is that way with Shelby. He started playing soccer this year. He seems to be liking it pretty well. Neither I nor Karen know much of anything about it outside the fact that there is a black and white ball, a couple goals and 6 little boys running around kicking said ball. It's just fun for me to watch him run up and down the field. Saturday he scored two goals! Every once in a while you have to remind him to stop trying to talk and worry about playing ball. It doesn't take him very long to make a new buddy despite how shy he may seem on the surface.

Moving on to Shelby. She is growing up very fast. Expanding her vocabulary a little more everyday. She has 'no' down. And pretty much knows how to use it. She came up with her first ear infection of the fall week before last. So her pediatrician lined us up with an ENT doc. Long story short she goes in tomorrow morning to get ear tubes put in. I know that it's a relatively common procedure these days. But still. I'm sure that she will come through it just fine. She is not going to like not getting her milk first thing in the morning like she's used to. My bet is she will be quite the bear.

We have a regular little egg factory out back. We are averaging around 10 eggs a day. I have already sold a couple dozen at work. Not trying to make a bunch of money. But we can't give them away. That would make us look like pushovers. But all the reviews I have gotten back have been good. The hogs are coming along fine. One goes to slaughter next week. The other two go the first Monday of November. I am definitely looking forward to tasting that pork.
Well, there you have it. Hopefully the next posting won't be so far down the road.

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