Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rich Wins Award

I'm proud to announce that Rich has received an award at an awards banquet held on Saturday, November 7, 2009, for a C.P.R. Save on a Shawnee Heights Fire Department call that he arrived to on-scene earlier this year. I thought I would put up the initial posting hoping that he will fill in the details later as he is modest and probably let the world know that I married a hero. Congratulations Babe - you are my hero too.

I try not to think about the dangers of your job or the stre
ss and skill it takes to save a life but just know that I do think about those things and how much it means to me that you do what you do for others.... and that is what I'm proud of.

Here's a photo of us at the banquet. I love my handsome guy in a uniform. And, yes, that is an actual Kansas sunset that evening (looking out the window - lake reflection) and not just a painting on the wall.

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