Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Princess Shelby's 3rd Birthday

Once upon a time, in a kingdom in the Midwest somewhere, lived a Princess Shelby in the Watson Castle. Her highness ruled the castle and she didn't bless anything that wasn't pink!  Therefore, she summoned her servants to throw her a pink princess birthday party!

Here's the Diva in her princess throne. Happy 3rd Birthday Shelby!

This cake has edible paper on top which is the crown! Not bad tasting either.
How do you like the freehand work?!

Notice the wardrobe change!  Diva!

Shelby's got the princess pose down for sure!
Thank you Ms. Denise for the box of princess costumes!

Cute, cute, cute ballet slippers!

Auntie Janet sent me a tutu!  I love it!

All the princesses in the castle having such a good time!

Thank you for my pink cowboy hat and bracelets Grandma J.  I can't wait to spend the gift card that Mamaw and Papaw sent me too!

Every princess needs her beauty sleep after a royal party!
The End.

1 comment:

auntie janet said...

oh goodness, that is too cute!!! so precious!!!! love and miss ya kansas krazy folks!