Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dr. Harlan's Mad Lab 6th Birthday

What better way to turn 6 years old than with a Mad Lab party complete with ooooeeeyyy, goooeeeyyy slime and test tube experiments! Harlan had a blast at his birthday party. He had so many friends join him in his mad lab and that is what he enjoyed the most - celebrating with lots of friends. Kids came with crazy mad-scientist hair.

Doctors were greeted at the door with mad lab coats, lab goggles, and mad science kit. First everyone had to make an alien out of play-doh and googly-eyes AND they had to name their aliens. We had names from "Slimy" to "Fred."

Then the kiddos made their way to the test tube concoctions. They took eye droppers and made their own potions (different colored Gatorade juices). Everyone loved this project. They especially loved when they had to drink what they made.

Then, on their way to the "Dancing Spaghetti" station. Well, I think think most of them just enjoyed pouring vinegar and baking soda together rather than see tiny pieces of spaghetti moving in the test tube. Some of them had about 1/2 cup of baking soda and the experiment only required a couple teaspoons. Oh well, they had fun.

Then, we watched as Daddy Rich tried to suck a hard-boiled egg through the opening of an empty Starbucks bottle. First, he had a tough time keeping the matches lit inside the bottle (which kept the kiddos laughing), then after Mr. Rob's help, Rich was able to turn a hard-boiled egg into a sooted hard-boiled egg in a jar!

Then, we made balloons move with static electricity which only kept the kids occupied for about 2 minutes. Then, it was time to move outside for the grand finale. The Diet Coke and Mentos explosion outside. Well, you might call it a small fountain that lasted a 1/2 second but it was another segment to keep the kids entertained.

After cake and lots of presents - Harlan's birthday guests were ready to share their experiments with their families. I believe Brennan is still making test tube concoctions at his house.

Enjoy the photos:

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Was SUCH a fun party! Thanks for including the Weissenbach's!!