Friday, November 7, 2008

Sissy's debut

Teeth haven't popped in yet but I'm sure they are coming. Shelby has been chomping on everything and puckering and sucking on her lips. I'm sure we'll see signs of a tooth in the next week or so. Something is making her more fussy than usual. I thought this was the age that babies don't cry so much. Well...let me tell you, the books are wrong! Shelby has demonstrated that cute baby girls can cry more at 5 months than when they were born!  

AND, she is a bit spoiled and I have no idea why. She likes to be held. I know that every mother says that but you can't even bend over holding her without her screaming thinking that you will put her on the dreaded carpet, blanket, stand-up play thing or anywhere other than your arms (particularly mommy's arms). I would rather hold her than hear her scream. I'm just not ready to deal with the drama of not holding her. Look at her - who wouldn't want to snuggle her!

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