Harlan and I were sitting down stairs, me at the computer and he was watching cartoons on TV. No, not the cartoons I grew up with. But this commercial for the Kung Foo Panda comes on. He says "Daddy, I want the Kung Foo Panda, but I want the DVD." So I ask him, "Harlan, what's a DVD?" and he replies "Hmm, I don't know." So, I can rest a little easier knowing that for the moment we are still fairly safe from being overrun by technology and a four year old. But it won't be long.
Need to get to work on the house. In the process of digging the holes for the spot footers to set the jacks in the crawlspace to start leveling the west side of this old house. I have been avoiding it like the plague, but it needs to be done. Until I get that done, no work can begin on that side of the house. I was able to get down about 18" while digging, but then had problems getting farther. Doesn't help that I have to lay on my belly while digging. I can't get much leverage to sink the blade of the shovel in the dirt any farther. The bottom of the spot footer has to be 30" down (frost line). One suggestion I had was to try to use an auger bit on a drill to loosen the dirt, then remove the dirt. I am going to try that.
Well, more later.
snow on snow on snow
Things that were yelled out the door to me while I shoveled the driveway
this morning:
"Mom, help! I have a never-ending booger!"
"Mom, I accidentally trie...
11 years ago